The steam pots are here. Please follow me on Instagram @seanjaripreetirealyonipearls I went live a few times and saved them on my page. Please review your order so you'll know what your order includes. Some women only purchased a steampot and will need to purchase the steam and her gown. Check your order.
Steampot Giveaway🎁
If you submitted your video testimony you dont have to do anything else. There are 5 pots in this giveaway. Be sure to upload your video to schoolofwombhealing.org in the chat box to enter the contest.
Real Yoni Pearls collection $100💵
Get all🌟 twelve for 100$ at the School or follow the details on the photo and get a free soap😉 with your purchase.
The Goddess Lounge is Open
Today is my first day of having clients come to my clinic for a YONI STEAM! 😁😁😁